Migration From Universal Analytics To Google Analytics 4

You must be aware that is it not an option but a compulsion for all to switch from U niversal A nalytics to GA4. As Google’s Universal Analytics (UA) will stop collecting data from July 1st, 2023, and a fter that, Google Analytics 4 (GA4) will be the default platform. W hen changes like this happen , it can be stressful for many marketing agencies or businesses . However, finding new opportunities in this change with the right transition planning is possible . Before coming to the right transition planning decision, it’s important for us to understand what exactly is changing between GA4 and UA and why. What is Universal Analytics? I n October 2012, Google released Universal Analytics premium customers and later opened to the public in 2013 . UA collect s data based on web sessions and hits . In UA, event tracking isn’t set up b y default, and one has to configure it manually. What is Google Analytics 4? In October 2020...