
Showing posts from May, 2023

Migration From Universal Analytics To Google Analytics 4

You must be aware that is it not an option but a compulsion for all to switch from U niversal A nalytics to GA4. As Google’s Universal Analytics (UA) will stop collecting data from July 1st, 2023, and a fter that, Google Analytics 4 (GA4) will be the default platform.   W hen changes like this happen , it can be stressful for many marketing agencies or businesses . However, finding new opportunities in this change with the right transition planning is possible .   Before coming to the right transition planning decision, it’s important for us to understand what exactly is changing between GA4 and UA and why.   What is Universal Analytics?   I n October 2012, Google released Universal Analytics premium customers and later opened to the public in 2013 . UA collect s data based on web sessions and hits . In UA, event tracking isn’t set up b y default, and one has to configure it manually.    What is Google Analytics 4?   In October 2020...

Elevate Your Content Writing with These Easy Tips

The art of writing a blog post is like weaving a story that readers will be able to grasp and comprehend without being distracted . Do you know that i f a blog post is well-structured, with sections at the beginning, middle, and end that makes it easy for readers to get a hold of the content quickly ?   But it’s just that or do we need to incorporate more for writing engaging content? No, there are other elements that need to be taken care of. These include keyword optimization , understanding the target audience, and c reating content that adds value to your readers. By incorporating all these elements into content creation, one can easily write engaging and effective content.   Another crucial factor to keep in mind is the need for interactivity, making it sense like you're having a communication together with your reader. It's essential to cope with their questions in an engaging manner, the usage of terms like " Do you know?" or " Do not miss out on...